Environmental and Wellness Monitoring Solutions

Solution to your problems

  • Monitor refrigerant levels in chillers
  • Water leak detection
  • Monitor filter status of air handling units
  • Measure temperature and humidity in offices and warehouses
  • Measure air quality for building health
  • Monitor flow and return temps of boilers
  • Monitor energy usage of key equipment

Our Environmental Sensors Monitor:

We’ve highlighted the features that are most relevant to ventilation. The following displays the complete scope of what our environmental sensors monitor.

Co Levels

When Co levels are above 70ppm, it is likely you will see symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and nausea. Concentrations above 150ppm to 200ppm, disorientation, unconsciousness and even death is possible.

Co2 Levels

Co2 levels between 1000-2000ppm will see complaints with drowsiness and poor air. 2000-2500ppm will see symptoms such as headaches and poor concentration. Sleepiness, nausea, and an increase in heart rate my also be present. The air will seem stuffy and stale.

Temperature Levels

Thermal comfort is dependent on a range of environmental factors in additional to simple air temperature, including air velocity, radiant temperature, and relative humidity.

Humidity Levels

A relative humidity of 40-60% is appropriate in many buildings. Humidity also affects the performance of buildings, causing condensation, mould growth, staining, slip hazards, damage to equipment and the corrosion and decay of the building fabric.

Suitable Options for Ventilation

Airflow and Air Pressure Monitor

This device measures air pressures within ventilation systems and makes decisions on air conditioning filter replacements before visual inspections are required. The following systems are commonly installed in premises such as: Residential Buildings, Commercial Offices, Hotel and Leisure Spaces, Hospitals, Social Housing and Schools.

Airflow and Air Pressure Monitor

HVAC System, Filters

Install within air conditioning systems to identify differences in pressure for ventilation. Filters can then be replaced before they cause uncomfortable temperature fluctuations.

HVAC System Fans

Install near a fan within an air conditioning system to identify faulty airflow and ensure fans maintain optimal performance.

Gas Boilers / Hot Water Systems

Install within a gas boiler or hot water system to capture any change in pressure and avoid hazardous conditions.

Heat Recovery Systems

Install on a heat recovery system to measure and maintain consistent ventilation and airflow.

Indoor Environmental Monitor

This device measures indoor environments. Including Noise Levels, Temperature, Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure, Light, CO, CO2 and VOCs. This newly updated device now monitors Particulate Matter. This device tracks whether conditions move outside parameters, thus ensuring environments stay in their optimum condition. The following systems are commonly installed in premises such as: Hotels and Leisure Spaces, Hospitals and Higher Care, Commercial Offices, Social Housing, Schools

Indoor Environmental Monitor

Residential and Commercial Rooms

Can be installed on walls within rooms to detect air quality, temperature, and humidity levels that could potentially cause mould.

Hospital Wards

Install on the wall of a ward to measure air toxicity and maintain air quality.

Plant Rooms

Install within a plant room to maintain and ensure air quality and it does not limit the operations of machinery and air handling units.

Further Uses

The device may be used wherever there is a need to diagnose quality and environmental conditions in a room that will consequently lead to their improvement.

Cases of where our Technologies have been Implemented

During the pandemic and at the time of reading, this hospitality venue was operating on a takeaway basis, resulting in limited traffic in comparison to when it would run at full capacity. Results showed even with low levels of capacity, the site required improved ventilation, to bring in line the data readings to a safe level.

Hospital Venue

Our observations for a distribution warehouse we worked with, suggested that the property required ventilation in order to reduce their TVOC and CO2 levels.

Distribution Warehouse

Improve your Building

Measuring air quality is vital for protecting the health of a buildings occupant. You can do more with less and provide better visibility of critical infrastructures by implementing a condition-based maintenance model.

Benefits to you

Compliance – Know the systems and equipment under your care and meet compliance and contractual requirements to reduce risk to clients

Expand Business Capabilities – Take on more sites and contracts without increasing your overheads

New Revenue Streams – Gain an opportunity to create recurring revenue streams with innovative maintenance offerings.

Value Added – Provide essential insights on critical assets to add value to your end client

Benefits to the Property Owner

Asset performance – Keep assets running in peak condition for longer, and maintains performance.

Reduce Costs – Facilities managers can deliver a reduction in the cost of running facilities and equipment

Differentiation – The insights you are providing your customers can be used to differentiate your service, site, or building from others.

Wellness Monitoring Products we use to Create your Tailored System

Temperature and Humidity Monitoring

Temperature and Humidity Monitoring

Can measure the ambient temperature and relative humidity levels within specified building environments to avoid conditions that could potentially cause discomfort or dampness , leading to mold.

Water Leak Detection Monitoring

Water Leak Detection Monitoring

Measure the presence of water leaks and excessive moisture. Once a leak is detected the device immediately alerts the system about the risk of flooding . Water resistant so it can be installed in any location.

Point Temperature Monitoring

Point Temperature Monitoring

Measure temperature variations in critical equipment to reduce the risk of downtime and monitor performance . can measure temperature up to three locations from – 5 5 ° C to 125 ° C

Refrigerant pressure

Refrigerant pressure

Can be easily connected to the existing refrigerant system values via a pressure transducer. It allows for easy measurement of system pressure to ensure the system is not leaking or dropped below critical levels

Electrical Output Monitoring

Electrical Output Monitoring

Measures a devices electrical output in two analogue modes, current and voltage . This node can be used to measure the operational status of machinery and equipment.

AC Current Monitoring

AC Current Monitoring

Measures the AC current flowing through a device that is connected to the electricity grid. Can be fitted with up to six current clamps , allowing for single phase or three phase assets to be simultaneously measured

Pulse and Open / Closed Monitoring

Pulse and Open / Closed Monitoring

Measures the status of a device including open contact, closed contact or pulse counting . Identify onsite consumption across water and electricity usage by interfacing with compatible meters

Data Feedback

7 Day Report Feedback

On the 10th January 2022, Albion placed a Yo Pure Wellness monitor in your manufacturing factory. We monitored the environment for 7 days and the received the readings shown. The following readings are the averages for each feature:

data feedback
data feedback
data feedback
data feedback
data feedback
data feedback
data feedback

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